Darkstone juegos de mesa y crowdfundings

Crowdfunding y lanzamiento de juegos. => Crowdfundings finalizados => Mensaje iniciado por: Vince en Enero 10, 2017, 12:00:14 pm

Título: Kickstarter - Napoléon 1806
Publicado por: Vince en Enero 10, 2017, 12:00:14 pm
Napoléon 1806


Descripción: Con Napoleón 1806, es un wargema para 2 jugadores, de 1 a 2 horas. Revivirás los enfrentamientos entre prusianos y franceses durante las conquistas imperiales de Napoleón, que culminó con las batallas de Auerstaedt y Jena.

Enlace: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/190732911/napoleon-1806

Fecha de finalización: 10 febrero

Dinero necesario para financiarse: 20.000 €

Fecha estimada de entrega: Octubre 2017

Idioma del juego: Inglés, francés

Pledge Levels (Niveles de aportación):

EB (100): 45€

Juego: 50€

Stretch goals (Desbloqueos):



Aduanas y gastos de envío: Eu Friendly. 12 - 15 €

Fotos del juego:





Título: Re:Kickstarter - Napoléon 1806
Publicado por: Shakos en Enero 17, 2017, 09:23:11 pm
Olà, soy aqui para hablar un poquito mas de este juego.

Proponemos una nueva oferta para intentar de reducir el costo de transporte por las personas que no estan en francia.

120€ por tres juegos y 15€ por el transporte. Esperamos que esta oferta pueda ayudarnos a hacer de este proyecto un realidad !

Si tienen preguntas, no vacilan, intentaré a responder de lo mejor que puedo.

Título: Re:Kickstarter - Napoléon 1806
Publicado por: Vince en Enero 17, 2017, 09:37:17 pm
¡Gracias por pasar por aquí!  ;)

Mucha suerte con la campaña.
Título: Re:Kickstarter - Napoléon 1806
Publicado por: Shakos en Enero 19, 2017, 09:45:46 pm

Estamos muy felices de acoger nuestro primero "Hussard" extranjero, y viene de Italia :

Giochi Unity: www.giochiuniti.it

Grazie mille !

Ahora tenemos tres tiendas que nos soportan. Solo falta una de España !  ;)

Pero nos falta todavia contribuyentes para mantener la linea !

Importante, solo les quedan unos dias para la oferta especial Grenadier que propone tres juegos para solo 120€ !

Y gracias, porque tenemos unos españoles que nos ayudan par hacer de est proyecto un éxito !


https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/190732911/napoleon-1806 (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/190732911/napoleon-1806)

Título: Re:Kickstarter - Napoléon 1806
Publicado por: Shakos en Enero 20, 2017, 09:57:19 pm
We have many news for you today.

First of all, Napoléon 1806 is now present on Board Game Geek. Some people asked why we were not present, answer was that we were waiting validation ! Page is still empty, but we will add content soon.
https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/217934/napoleon-1806 (https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/217934/napoleon-1806)

Second one, we are now over 60%, and as Kickstarter says :
"98% of projects reaching 60% of their goal are fully funded"
So let's hope that we won't be in the 2 % !!!

Third, we welcome a new Hussard who gave a significant jump to the project, meaning that we have currently 4 games shops supporting us :

Philibert : http://www.philibertnet.com/fr/ (http://www.philibertnet.com/fr/)

Thanks all for your confidence !
Título: Re:Kickstarter - Napoléon 1806
Publicado por: Shakos en Enero 21, 2017, 07:04:32 pm
24 horas antes de la fin de la oferta especial Grenadier. Con esta oferta puede tener un juego por solo 45€ con el transporte !

Tiene solo que encontrar a dos amigos interesados por el juego.

Se puede ver todos los precios en la tabla abajo.


Título: Re:Kickstarter - Napoléon 1806
Publicado por: Shakos en Enero 23, 2017, 10:01:45 pm
Time to check where we are after two weeks of exhausting campaign !

70% funded
202 backers
5 games shops that support us (thanks to http://www.hexasim.fr (http://www.hexasim.fr) who joined us today)

That's great but not sufficient yet.

We still need your supports to reach our goal and be able to propose in the future others original desgins for your enjoyment !

Do not hesitate to tell us why you still hesitate or ask about the game and its development.

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/190732911/napoleon-1806 (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/190732911/napoleon-1806)

Título: Re:Kickstarter - Napoléon 1806
Publicado por: Shakos en Enero 27, 2017, 08:03:38 pm
A few days without news of the project, we needed a few days off !

Last days trend was flattening, but we hope to go up again, and maybe this news will help a bit. Nicolas is still working on the game. You can see below first layout of the rulebook (french version). Hope you'll like it !

Do not hesitate to comment and tell us what you think about it.

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/190732911/napoleon-1806 (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/190732911/napoleon-1806)

Título: Re:Kickstarter - Napoléon 1806
Publicado por: Shakos en Enero 28, 2017, 02:24:12 pm
Interview on the GrogHeads website ! Follow the link at the end to get it all !

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/190732911/napoleon-1806 (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/190732911/napoleon-1806)

It will surprise no one hereabouts that I’ve an interest in the struggle between Prussia and France in the Fall of 1806.  I’ve already written two articles about my planned trip to the Jena-Auerstadt battlefields this year and have been gleefully running a kriegsspiel of the campaign since October 2016 over in the Grogheads forum.

So, I would have been hard put to be more pleased when the Kickstarter campaign for Shakos’ Napoleon 1806  crawled across my news feed.  Reading the rules on-line and reading up on the backgrounds of the team behind all this, I backed quickly.  I wanted, though, to find out more about the this new company, the game’s designers, and what inspired them to take up what is, let’s be honest, not the most conspicuous of Napoleon’s campaigns...

http://grogheads.com/?p=13736 (http://grogheads.com/?p=13736)
Título: Re:Kickstarter - Napoléon 1806
Publicado por: Shakos en Enero 31, 2017, 09:03:05 pm
10 days to get the missing 20% !

Well, we've made a great job till now, but we are still missing a few backers for Napoléon 1806 to become reality and time is running out.

To try to get these 20% we reopen the Grenadier reward till the end of the campaign. This reward permits us to propose the game to a lower price event including shipping cost. This is really valuable for our international backers, as unfortunatly shipping cost weights heavy in the game price...

Thanks all for your great support. We received messages of support that makes us willing to offer you the best possible game.


https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/190732911/napoleon-1806 (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/190732911/napoleon-1806)
Título: Re:Kickstarter - Napoléon 1806
Publicado por: Shakos en Febrero 03, 2017, 10:31:52 pm
Hier nous étions au Point Jeux, la boutique d'Aubenas, pour une petite session découverte. Ce fut une belle soirée qui permit à 8 personnes de jouer, découvrir le jeu, et, de l'apprécier ! Vous trouverez ci-dessous quelques photos et un petit compte rendu de l'une des parties.


La force principale française, avec Davout et Bernadotte en première ligne, se concentre à l'est tandis que Lannes et Augereau avance par l'ouest en direction de Halle. Les prussiens tentent de couvrir tous les axes d'avance possibles.


Davout exploite une trou dans la ligne prussienne et se dirige vers le nord, suivi par Napoléon et Murat. Bernadotte s'arrête à quelques kilomètres de Leipzig. Las français démontre leur sens de la manœuvre, et menacent deux objectifs. La victoire semble proche...

Mais, le corps de Zeichtwitz réagit, occupe Leipzig avant l'arrive de Bernadotte, et est renforcé par le corps de réserve de Wurtemberg. L'avancée de Davout vers Halle est perturbés par des cartes erronées (jeu d'une carte prussienne) et la pluie commence à tomber dru, rendant les mouvements plus difficiles. Les rêves d'une victoire rapide s'éloignent. 


Contre toute attente, Napoléon est défait aux portes de Leipzig ! Les saxons et Wurtemberg résistent à l'élan français. Davout est menacé dans Halle et Erfurt est tenu fermement par les Prussiens.

A l'ouest des combats acharnés opposent Lannes et Brunswick, laissant les deux camps épuisés.


Dans une tentative désespérée, Davout attaque Leipzig, chasse les prussiens, mais échoue à détruire complètement les deux corps. C'est une défaite française, avec 4 PVs restants pour les prussiens.
Título: Re:Kickstarter - Napoléon 1806
Publicado por: Shakos en Febrero 09, 2017, 09:06:20 pm
The last push!

Two days left...90%...Napoléon 1806 is not far away to become reality...but we still need you !

Voltigeurs EB rewards are free thanks to some of our backers improving their rewards !

So don't wait if you want to benefit from the special EB rate. Or more...

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/190732911/napoleon-1806 (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/190732911/napoleon-1806)

Título: Re:Kickstarter - Napoléon 1806
Publicado por: Shakos en Febrero 10, 2017, 08:17:45 pm
Still a few hours before the end and success is so close !

To celebrate this epic end of campaing, and if the project is funded, whatever the result, the first two stretch goals are offered for every backer :

1. History of the campaing written by Denis Sauvage himself !

2. Order of battles printed on cardboard 2 mm to improve confort of play.

We want to thank you all that way for your confidence.

The Shakos team


Título: Re:Kickstarter - Napoléon 1806
Publicado por: Fraipapada en Febrero 23, 2017, 10:59:41 am
271 patrocinadores contribuyeron 20.726 € para que este proyecto se pudiera realizar.
Título: Re:Kickstarter - Napoléon 1806
Publicado por: Shakos en Marzo 02, 2017, 10:33:45 pm
Hi all !

Time for an update after the successfull campaign.

First of all we were in Cannes a few days ago. It was really exciting and great to share about the game at this occasion ! We played more than 20 games with around 50 differents persons. We used the short scenario (3 turns) with "initiation" rules, not using the cards for events and doing some minor adaptation. We also experienced team play, two players by side. It was really nice to see people sharing about strategies like a real "état major". By the end we included these two "variants" into the rulebook. We also had some minor remarks, like for example sorting the marshals per alphabetical order in the orders of battle to find them more easily ! Evident, but we did not think about it before !!!

Whatever, returns were realy good and we've got many encouragement and support. We also had the chance to meet some of you and it was great to share about the project with some pledgers.

You can find some pictures in our FB page : 
https://www.facebook.com/shakosgames/ (https://www.facebook.com/shakosgames/)

Concerning the game by itself, Denis wrote the history of the campaign. He used the significant events to focus and explain the design choices behind the game. I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I did. So we are currently giving the last check to the rulebook before giving it to Nicolas for the final layout ! On his side Nicolas is working to finalize the layout of the cards. So as you can see we are working on the last details.

We will also open soon the pledge manager to deal with shipping cost and give opportunities to pledge for people who missed the KS. 

We are now really excited to move on to get the physical box in our hands !

La Team Shakos

Título: Re:Kickstarter - Napoléon 1806
Publicado por: Shakos en Abril 30, 2017, 09:37:40 pm
A quick overview of the project advancement with some pictures.

Firt thing, we just opened a pledge manager. You can find it here :
https://shakos.pledgestage.com/projects/napoleon-1806/participate/ (https://shakos.pledgestage.com/projects/napoleon-1806/participate/)

This pledge manager will permit you to place a late pledge if you missed the KS campaign. This will also be the last opportunity to get the exclusive playmat of the game (neoprene 2mm with PVC ultrasmooth top). 

You will find below the last graphics of the game components.

Cards :



For those who followed the KS campaign, we added a symbol in the top left in order to indicate clearly when you can play the card during the operations segment.

Corps :



Battle orders :


And a few drawings from Nicolas we will use for the rulebook layout :


Concerning game delivery we are still in line with a delivery in October 2017 !
Título: Re:Kickstarter - Napoléon 1806
Publicado por: Shakos en Junio 02, 2017, 10:24:06 pm
We are pleased to announce that we have finished the layout of the components of the game. We still have a few proofreading to validate the English rules, and finish the box as soon as we have his final size. You will find below pictures of the latest components completed.

As a reminder, you can always preorder the game by going on the pledge manager:
https://shakos.pledgestage.com/projects/napoleon-1806/participate/ (https://shakos.pledgestage.com/projects/napoleon-1806/participate/)

Furthermore, at the end of this month, you will no longer have the opportunity to choose the game board ks exclusive (Neoprene expanded from 2 MM 80 mm x 80 cm), because we'll send it in production.





Título: Re:Kickstarter - Napoléon 1806
Publicado por: Shakos en Julio 23, 2017, 06:40:31 pm
The exclusive playmats are there! While waiting for the rest of the components to be ready (reminder: October 2017), we received the playmats printed on neoprene base 2 mm thick. I sincerely think that those who ordered it will not be disappointed, but I let you make your own idea with a series of pictures !

Note : It is always possible to pre-order the game (and the exclusive playmat) here

https://shakos.pledgestage.com/projects/napoleon-1806/participate/ (https://shakos.pledgestage.com/projects/napoleon-1806/participate/) 

Note 2 : The rules of the game profread, corrected and with layout are there:

http://cyberboard.pagesperso-orange.fr/1806.htm (http://cyberboard.pagesperso-orange.fr/1806.htm) 





Título: Re:Kickstarter - Napoléon 1806
Publicado por: Shakos en Diciembre 23, 2017, 10:54:04 am
Yesterday we received the physical sample of the game Napoleon 1806. As you can see on the photos the box is really beautiful! We have planned to check everything in detail tomorrow to track any defects to be corrected before mass production starts.

As a reminder, the game will allow two players to replay the campaign Napoleon conducted in Prussia in 1806. It offers 3 levels of progressive difficulty to facilitate access even to the youngest. 3 scenarios are included, a short-run scenario playing in less than one hour, the historical campaign scenario running around 1h30, and a hidden set-up scenario.

The game mechanics focus on the simulation of the operation and management of the fatigue of the troops. The fog of war is very present since the wooden blocks representing the army corps are placed hidden to your opponent. An option allows to play by revealing blocks (for beginners), another allows to add "vedettes" to add uncertainty (for "Grognards"). The list of components is:

- 1 game Board (60 cm x 60 cm) - 2 mm thick
- 2 player aids A4 (orders of battle) - 2 mm thick
- 2 screens for hidden game
- 1 28-page rules and history booklet
- 2 games of 36 cards
- more than 200 wooden pieces
- 13 blocks of wood for Prussian corps
- 14 blocks of wood for French corps
- 1 Sticker Board (Army Corps)
- 10 special dice, usable for battle
- 1 pouch bag
- 1 plastic tray

You can still pre-order the game here before December 31, 2017:
https://shakos.pledgemanager.com/projects/napoleon-1806/participate/ (https://shakos.pledgemanager.com/projects/napoleon-1806/participate/)

The game should be available in March 2018.









Título: Re:Kickstarter - Napoléon 1806
Publicado por: Shakos en Enero 20, 2018, 09:31:48 pm
Time to wish you a happy new year 2018 !

We have great expectations for this new year with the release of our first game, Napoléon 1806, plus the projects we are working on. But before to speak about the future, let's talk about the present !

We received a few pictures from the factory. They started mass production and boxes, gameboards and orders of battles are ready !

We really hope that you are as excited as us !

The Shakos team



Título: Re:Kickstarter - Napoléon 1806
Publicado por: Shakos en Marzo 28, 2018, 10:39:05 pm
Napoleon 1806 incoming, Napoleon 1807 is getting ready...

Good news for all Napoleon 1806 pledgers, shipments will start next week. The games arrived yesterday in France, still a few days to get them.

If you have been following us over the past few weeks, you may have heard of Napoleon 1807. This new, even more ambitious opus will make it possible to relive no less than three famous battles, Pultusk, Eylau and Friedland that were part of the Polish campaign. To the program, snow, cold and furious battles between a Great Army tired after the fighting of 1806 and tenacious Russians.

If you have missed the cowdfunding of Napoleon 1806, get ready!

A few reminders:

- you can track the progress of our projects and share with us on our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/shakosgames/ (https://www.facebook.com/shakosgames/)

- we also have a Twitter news feed: https://twitter.com/Shakos_Games (https://twitter.com/Shakos_Games)

- and a youtube channel. For Information, we filmed yesterday a video explaining the rules, and we will put it online in the next few days so you can be ready as soon as the precious arrives: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFWtcSx0xqJoknX7bpWtNQQ (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFWtcSx0xqJoknX7bpWtNQQ)
