Foro de discusión sobre juegos de mesa. > Demigods Rising

Preguntas Frecuentes


Preguntas sobre el material y contenido...

¿Cuántas miniaturas incluye la edición KS?

--- Citar ---You will get 66 miniatures!
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¿Cómo ha sido posible?

--- Citar ---Simple answer is, Prodos! We are able to pay for one of each hero and one of 4 Demigods. But since Prodos are great guys in general, they offered a solution. They will help us and cover the cost of double heroes and minions (sadly, no God of War), they will ensure we hit a retail quickly and we will pay them from our retail earnings. This would also be good commercial for their Unicast system and they are already getting swarmed with orders! They are producing several games as we speak, everyone wants a piece of Unicast!
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¿Qué es UniCast?

--- Citar ---UniCast is a unique combination of plastic injection manufacturing process combined with traditional utherene resin casting. Minis will have to be rescaled to fit in Unicast standards (they will be smaller than Evolution minis) and will come in one piece.
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¿Qué miniaturas se incluyen en la edición KS?

--- Citar ---1 x Warlord 
1 x Protector
1 x Illusionist
1 x Tactician
8 x Minion
2 x High Elder
2 x Sentinel
2 x Pegasus Knight
2 x Fairy
2 x Elementalist (Ice)
2 x Elementalist (Fire)
2 x Wind
2 x Wind Tornado form
2 x Sniper
2 x Alchemist
2 x Charger
2 x Engineer
2 x Guardian
2 x Blacksmith
2 x Weaponsmith
2 x Paladin
2 x Assassin
2 x Knight
2 x Priestess
2 x Crossbowman
2 x Black Wolf
2 x Black Wolf wolf form
2 x Ogre
2 x Overlord
2 x Stoneskin
2 x Trapper
2 x Shaman
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Preguntas sobre el juego o dudas del reglamento...

Amarice, con la ilusion con que has cogido a este juego te van a acabar poniendo en nomina.

De todas formas me gusto mas el avatar que usabas cuando la campaña de kickstarter (el hada).

Saludos y seguimos en contacto!


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