
kill team : textos de las cartas tácticas extras de las cajas de comandos.

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    Seis años en el foro. Cinco años en el foro Forero que nunca duerme. 720 horas (30dias) en DS. Forero ejemplar (más de 1000 thanks) Forero querido (más de 100 thanks) Ha creado 10 hilos en el foro. Votar 10 encuestas Primera encuesta votada Avatar personalizado Tres años en el foro. Un año en el foro
« en: Octubre 08, 2018, 11:58:22 am »
Os dejo los textos de las cartas tácticas extras en ingles, son las que vienen extra en las cajas de los kill team de cada facción y que no vienen dentro del manual básico.

ADEPTUS ASTARTES (Caja kill team - Fangs of Ulfrich)

Adaptative Strategy - ​1CP
Use as soon as your kill team is broken​. You immediately generate D3 Command Points​.

Angel of Death - 1CP
Use after choosing a model​ that charged​ in this battle round to fight ​with. Add 1 ​to that model’s Attack ​characteristic for this phase.

Auspex Scan​ - 2CP
Use when you choose a Readied model to shoot​ with. Ignore all negative hit modifiers​ for that model this phase.

Battle Brothers​ - 1CP
Use after failing a saving throw​ for a model that is within 3” ​of another friendly ​model that is not shaken. No damage ​is inflicted upon the target model but one friendly​ model of your choice that is within 3”​ of the target model and not shaken suffers a number of mortal wounds ​equal to the Damage characteristic​ of the weapon ​used in the attack.

Death Denied​ - 2CP
Use when one of your models​ is taken out of action​. That model suffers a flesh wound instead​.

Psychological Warfare - 1CP
Use at the start of the Morale phase​. Choose a REAVER​ from your kill team that took​ an enemy ​model out of action in the preceding Fight ​phase and is not shaken. Add 1 ​to any Nerve tests​ made this phase for enemy ​models within 6" of the model you chose.

ADEPTUS MECHANICUS (Caja de inicio de kill team)

Auto-traking Software​ - 1CP
Use in the Movement phase​ when an opponent declares a charge​ against a model from your kill team. When that model fires Overwatch​ this phase they successfully hit on a roll of 5 or 6.

Hyper-penetrative Shot - 1CP
Use when you pick a model​ from your kill team armed with a transuranic arquebus​ to shoot​. Until the end of the phase, attacks made ​by this model with this weapon do not suffer the penalties to hit rolls or Injury​ rolls for the target being obscured​.

Optimal Conditions​ - 1CP
Use at the start of the Movement phase​. Add 1 to charge rolls​ made for models in your kill team until end of the phase.

Scyer-Skull - 1CP
Use at the start of the Movement phase​ if an opponent picked the Plant Traps strategy​ in the Scouting phase​.
Pick a piece of terrain within 6” of your Leader​. Your opponents must reveal​ to you whether or not they have booby-trapped ​that piece of terrain.

Stabilisation Actuators​ - 1CP
Use before you take a Falling test ​for a model from your kill team. You can re-roll the dice​ when taking this test​ and when taking any further Falling tests ​for that model in this battle round.

Transonic Attunement - 1CP
Use in the Fight Phase​ when a model​ from your kill team armed​ with Transonic blades​, a Transonic razor​ or a Chordclaw ​is chosen to attack​. Until the end of phase, add 1 to wound rolls​ for attacks made by that model with any of these weapons.

ASTRA MILITARUM (Caja de Kill team - Drop Force Imperator)

Adrenal Shot - 1CP
Use when a model​ from your kill team suffers a mortal wound​. Roll a D6​ for that mortal wound, and any other mortal wound suffered by that model for the rest of the phase; on a 5+ ​the mortal wound is ignored ​and has no effect.

Fight to the Death!​ - 1CP
Use before an Injury roll​ is made for a model from your kill team. Apply a -1​ modifier to the Injury roll.

Grenadiers​ - 1CP
Use when you choose a model​ from your kill team to shoot ​in the Shooting phase​. You can use a Grenade weapon that model is equipped with, even if another model​ from your kill team has already used a Grenade​ weapon this phase.
You can use this Tactic multiple times in the same phase.

Reconnaissance Protocols​ - 1CP
Use at the start of the first battle round​. Choose a MILITARUM TEMPESTUS​ model from your kill team that is on the battlefield; that model can immediately make a normal move ​as if it were the Movement phase, but instead of moving up to their Move characteristic they move up to 2D6" instead.

Sir, yes Sir!​ - 2CP
Use after picking a model​ from your kill team to be affected by an order​. All models​ from your kill team ( other than your kill team's Leader) within 3"​ of that model are also affected​ by the same order. You cannot use this Tactic in the same battle round as the Cunning Strategy Tactic.

Vengance for Cadia!​ - 1CP
Use when you choose a model​ from your kill team to shoot or fire Overwatch​ and the target is a HERETIC ASTARTES​ model. You can re-roll failed hit ​and wound rolls​ for your model against that HERETIC ASTARTES model.

DEATHWATCH (Caja Kill Team - Mordecai)

Death to the Alien!​ - 1CP
Use when you chose a model ​in your kill team to fight ​in the fight phase​. Each time​ you make a hit roll of 5+​ for that model during this phase, that model can, if it was targeting a model that does Not have​ the Imperium​, Chaos​ or Unaligned​ keyword, immediately make an additional attack​ against the same model using the same weapon​. These extra attacks cannot themselves generate any further attacks.

My Armour is Contempt - 1CP
Use when a model​ from your kill team suffers a mortal​ wound. Roll a D6 ​for that mortal wound, and each other mortal wound inflicted on this model for the rest of the phase, on a 5+​ that mortal​ wound is ignored and has no effect.

Priority Execution - 1CP
Use when you chose a model ​In your kill team to fight ​in the fight phase​. Add 1 ​to all wound rolls ​for that model until the end of the phase.

Tacticall Disengagement​ - 1CP
Use ln the Movement phase​ when a model in your kill team Retreats​. That model may Retreat up to 6'​ rather than up to 3', and may fire​ its weapons on the Shooting phase​ of this battle round even though it Retreated.

The Beheading​ - 2CP
Use at the start of the Fight phase​. Until the end of the phase, you may re-roll hit rolls​ for any attacks​ that target an enemy Leader.

Unrelenting - 1CP
Use in the Shooting phase​ when you chose a model​ from your kill team to shoot​. When rolling to hit​ for this model’s shooting attacks, it is considered not to have moved​ in the previous Movement phase.

DRUKHARI (Caja de kill team - The Slicing Noose)

Architect of Pain​ - 1CP
Use at the start of the battle round. Choose a model from your kill team that has the Power From Pain ability. Until the end of the battle round, that model treats the current battle round as being 1 higher than it actually is when determining what bonuses it gains from the Power From Pain table.

Bloodies Grace​ - 1CP
Use when a WYCH from your kill team would consolidate as part of fighting in the Fight phase. You may move them up to 6" instead of up to 3".

Hunt from the Shadows​ - 1CP
Use when a model from your kill team is chosen as the target of an enemy attack in the Shooting phase and it is obscured. Until the end of the phase, add 1 to that model's saving throws.

Hyperstimm - 1CP
Use at the start of the battle round. Choose a model from your kill team that has the Combat Drugs ability. Until the end of the battle round, the bonus that model receives from its Combat Drugs is doubled. At the end of the battle round, roll a D6. If you roll a 1, the model suffers a mortal wound.

Lightning-fast Reactions - 1CP
Use when a model from your kill team is chosen as the target of an enemy attack in the Shooting or Fight phase. Your opponent(s) must subtract 1 from hit rolls that target this model for the rest of the phase.

Murderous Rivalry - 2CP
Use at the start of the Hammer of Wrath section of the Fight phase. The: first time it is your turn to choose a model that charged to fight with, you may Instead choose two models from your kill team that ended their charge moves within 4" of each other. You may resolve both models' attacks before any other player chooses a model to fight with.

GENESTEALER CULT (Caja de inicio de kill team)

Acidic Spit​ - 1CP
Use at the beginning of the Shooting​ phase. Pick an enemy ​model within 1”​ of a model from your kill team and roll a dice. On a 5+ ​that enemy model suffers 1 mortal​ wound.

I Like to Keep this Handy...​ - 1CP
Use at the start of the Shooting phase​. Pick a model ​from your kill team armed​ with a shotgun​. Change the shotgun’s Type to Pistol 2 ​until the end of phase.

Mesmerising Baze​ - 1CP
Use at the beginning of the Fight phase​. Pick an enemy​ model within 1” ​of a model from your kill team and roll​ a dice. On a 4+ subtract 1 ​from that model’s Attack ​characteristic (to a minimum of 1) until the end of phase.

Raise the Icon​ - 1CP
Use at the start of the Fight phase​. Pick a model​ from your kill team equipped ​with a cult icon​. Increase​ the range​ of that models Cult Icon​ ability to 12” ​until the end of the phase.

Seismic Blast - 2CP
Use when you chose a model ​in your kill team to shoot ​with the short-wave profile​ of a seismic cannon​. If an attack for the weapon hits​, roll a dice​ for each other model within 2” ​of the target model. On a 5+ that model is shaken​.

Toxin Gland​ - 1CP
Use when you pick a HYBRID METAMORPH​ from your kill team to fight ​in the Fight phase​. Add 1​ to wound rolls​ for that model’s rending claw​ or metamorph talon​ until the end of phase.

NECRONS (Caja de kill team - The Exalted Scythe)

Assured Desintegration - 1CP
Use before a Deathmark shoots​. Until the end of the phase you may re-roll the dice to hit ​with that model.

Deathless Ire​ - 2CP
Use when a model​ from your kill team suffers a flesh wound​ as the result of an Injury roll. It is shaken instead.

Entropic Strike​ - 1CP
Use when you choose a mode​l in your kill team to fight in the Fight phase​. Until the end of the phase, if this model's attacks​ reduce a target to 0 ​wounds, add 1 to the Injury roll​ you make for that target.

Resurrection Protocols​ - 2CP
Use when your Leader is slain​. Instead of removing the model, place it on its side​. At the end of the phase, roll a D6​. On a 4+ the model is no longer slain​: stand the model up again as close as possible to its previous position but more than 1" away from enemy models with 1 wound remaining. If a model is still on the battlefield at the end of the battle after having been resurrected in this way, it is not considered to have been taken out of action for victory points purposes.
You can only use this Tactic once per battle.

Superior Inheritance - 1CP
Use after a model ​from your kill team shoots with a gauss flayer or gauss blaster​. That model can immediately shoot again​ with the same weapon.

Tireless Advence - 1CP
Use at the start of the Shooting phase​. One model ​of your choice from your kill team becomes Readied ​(even if it moved in the previous Movement phase) and may shoot in this phase​ as if they had not moved in the Movement phase.
This Tactic may not be used on a model that is within 1" of an enemy model.

Orks (Caja de kill team - Krogskull’s Boyz)

Dead `Ard​ - 1CP
Use when a model​ from your kill team suffers a mortal ​wound. Roll a D6​ for that mortal wound, and each other mortal wound suffered by that model for the rest of the phase​: on a 5+ ​the mortal wound is ignored ​and has no effect.

‘Ere we go, Ere we go!​ - 1CP
Use after making a charge​ roll ​for one of your models. Re-roll one of the dice.

Indiscriminate DAKKA​ - 1CP
Use after firing Overwatch​ with one ​of your models. You can immediately fire Overwatch again​.

Itchin’ for a Fight!​ - 2CP
Use when you choose a model ​in your kill team to fight ​in the fight phase​. You can make one additional attack​ with that model for each enemy model within 1”​ of it.

Pyromaniak​ - 1CP
Use when you chose a model ​to shoot ​with a burner.​ The burner makes D6 attacks​ instead of D3 this phase.

Use when it is your turn to move​ in the Movement phase​ and your Leader​ is on the Battlefield and not shaken. For the duration of that phase, add 1” ​to the Move​ characteristics of all models​ in your kill team, and add 1 ​to their Advance and Charge​ rolls.

T'AU (Caja de Kill team - Advance Team Starpulse)

Focused Fire​ - 1CP
Use after a model​ from your kill team inflicts an unsaved wound on an enemy ​model in the Shooting phase. For the rest of the phase, you can add 1 to wound rolls for attacks​ made by other models​ from your kill team that target the same enemy ​model, so long the attacking model is within 2" of the model that inflicted the wound.

Multi-spectrum Sensor Suite​ - 1CP
Use when you choose a model​ in your kill team to shoot in the Shooting phase​. Enemy models​ gain no benefit ​for being obscured ​against shots made by that model ​this phase.

Neuroweb System Jammer - 1CP
Use at the start of the Shooting phase​. Pick an enemy model within 12" ​of a model from your kill team. Until the end of the phase, that model's controlling player must subtract 1 from hit rolls​ made for that model.

Support Turret Replacement​ - 2CP
Use at the end of the Movement phase​. Pick a friendly FIRE WARRIOR​ or FIRE WARRIOR BREACHER​ model whose DS8 Tactical Support Turret​ has been removed ​from the battlefield. You may immediately set up a new DS8 Tactical Support Turret within 2"​ of that model.

Tandem Hunting Pattern​ - 2CP
Use at the start of the Ready, Fire! step of the Shooting phase​. The first time​ it is your turn to select a Readied model​ to shoot with, you may instead​ select two Readied models​ from your kill team that are within 4" of each other​.
You may resolve both​ models' shooting attacks before any other player​ chooses a model.

The Baited Trap ​- 2CP
Use before a model from your kill team fires Overwatch.​ Until the end of the phase, that model's Overwatch shots are successful on rolls of 4+ ​instead of rolls of only 6.

TYRANIDS (Caja de Kill team - Writhing Shadows)

Adrenaline Surge ​- 2CP
Use at the end of the Fight phase​. Pick a model from your kill team. That model can immediately fight an additional time.

Implant Attack ​- 2CP
Use before an Injury roll​ is made for an enemy​ model that was reduced to 0 wounds​ by a model from your Kill Team in the Fight phase​. Apply a + 2 modifier ​to the Injury roll.

Legacy of Ymgarl ​- 1CP
Use when you choose a GENESTEALER​ in your kill team to fight ​in the Fight phase​. Re-roll failed wound rolls​ for that model until the end of the phase.

Predatory Leap ​- 1CP
Use before making a charge roll​ for a model from your kill team. Treat​ that model as if it could FLY​ when making its charge move.

Rapid Regeneration ​- 2CP
Use when a model ​from your kill team is taken out of action​. Roll a D6​. On a 4+​ that model is treated as if it had suffered a flesh wound instead​.

Single-minded Annihilation ​- 1 o 2CP
Use after a model ​from your kill team shoots ​in the Shooting phase​. You can immediately shoot an additional time with that model. This Tactic costs 1 Command Point to use, ​or 2 Command Points if used on a TYRANID WARRIOR​.

El hilo se actualizara a medida que aparezcan nuevas, si tengo un tiempo (que últimamente estoy algo saturado), intentare traducirlas/maquetarlas para los que no os lleváis bien con el ingles o usáis el manual en español. Si alguno quiera aportar traduciendo o subiendo los textos de las cartas "extra" de vuestras cajas en español... adelante, hacerlo en este hilo que las incluiré en el post inicial también.
« Última modificación: Octubre 08, 2018, 12:17:20 pm por manuelor »
Los siguientes usuarios han dado gracias a este post: David80, Alcotan

Desconectado David80

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    Seis años en el foro. Votar 10 encuestas Cinco años en el foro El más rápido de todo el oeste. Forero que nunca duerme. 720 horas (30dias) en DS. Forero querido (más de 100 thanks) Ha creado 10 hilos en el foro. Primera encuesta votada Avatar personalizado Tres años en el foro. Un año en el foro
« Respuesta #1 en: Octubre 09, 2018, 07:37:39 pm »
Gracias manuelor,gran aporte.