
Megapedido - Unbroken

  • 182 Respuestas
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Desconectado melkor1984

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« Respuesta #180 en: Mayo 18, 2021, 12:37:37 am »
Pero si el problema es EGD... (más allá del juego)

Si esperas a que den alguna respuesta, pues espera sentado. XDDDDD Yo ya lo di por perdido hace tiempo. Si dependemos de esta gente...

Otra cosa es que alguien abandere la causa y se pusiera en comunicación con esta gente, explicando la situación con esta tienda y que quisieran hacerse cargo desde la nueva editorial, pero suena a igual de improbable.

Desconectado rgnrk

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« Respuesta #181 en: Mayo 18, 2021, 01:06:31 pm »
A ver, yo cuando estuve mirando los comentarios de la BGG para ver cómo está la cosa, TGG no tiene nada que ver con la entrega del Unbroken a los backers más allá de dar un adelanto a Artem Safarov (que va a trabajar con TGG en otro juego distinto).

Ahora mismo están los que esperan a que les llegue, puede que alguna vez, según las ventas comerciales les vayan dando dinero a Golden Bell para que lo hagan. Y eso es mucho fiarse. Y los que pagan los gastos de envío extra directamente a Artem Safarov -mejor ya no a Golden Bell- para que lo envíe.

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« Respuesta #182 en: Septiembre 17, 2021, 09:04:40 am »
Se nos había pasado una actualización del 17 de agosto de 2021 de Golden Bell Studios:

Hello everyone,

We hope that you are doing well and keeping healthy. Our apologies that there was such a long stretch of time without a project update. We would like to provide an update on progress as well as explain this delay and describe the next steps.

First of all – we’d like to assure you that we are still working on delivering the games. The circumstances are very challenging, but our goal is to make sure we deliver games to all of you. Because of the challenges – this will take some time, but we felt it important to reassure you of our commitment. The costs to fulfil the remaining units require both us and Artem as the original project creator to spend thousands of dollars out of pocket to keep games moving, so there’s a limit to how quickly we may get things done. But rest assured that we are doing our best.

The well-documented global shipping crisis made our challenging shipping situation almost impossible. It led to severe complications in terms of delays of shipments as well as cost increases. In fact, the delays of booking a new round of freight shipments are the main reason why this update is coming in so late – these took months to book. We wanted to make sure that we have something tangible to share with you.

Even with these freight shipment delays; we have been committed to moving games as much as we can. Artem was able to keep sending copies directly from Canada and now that we have replenished stock at our Chinese warehouse, more copies are getting out every month.

Below you will see breakdowns of progress by region with a list of countries where fulfillment has been completed. It should give you an idea both for immediate next steps (and your options to speed up delivery of your game) and what’s coming up next. As these freight shipments arrive, we will be posting further updates to keep you informed of next steps (we will make sure to avoid lengthy update pauses in the future).

We want to acknowledge that the delivery of this project has been hindered by a great number of issues and challenges and we wish we could get your games to you sooner. We are doing what we can, please bear with us.

Europe – 48% complete

What’s done: All backers in UK, Ireand, Poland, Sweden, Bosnia, Belarus, Slovenia, Serbia and Russia should have their games. If you are in one of these countries and have not received your game(s) or require support, please connect with Artem at

What’s happening now: Artem will be sending games from Canada to Ukraine and Iceland throughout August. These should arrive no later than end of October. The next shipment from China will include all games for backers in Bulgaria. All other European backers have the option to expedite their shipment by providing a top-up of $10US + $5US per copy to Artem. Please contact to arrange this.

What’s coming up next: We have two freight shipments on the way – one heading to France and one headed to Netherlands. Both should arrive in early September. Clearing customs and getting these from port to distribution point will take a few weeks as well. Once these shipments arrive, these copies will be sent out. The first wave will include backers who are able to help with a reduced shipping top-up. The only reason we will be asking for this is to speed up the delivery. Once that wave is cleared, we will prioritize the remaining copies to fulfill as many orders as possible.

The exact timing of this and steps you will need to take will be described in the next update as the shipments arrive in the European fulfillment centres.

También habla de otras regiones y finalmente de una expansión en proceso: