Aficiones y hobbies > Videojuegos

Hilo de Ofertas de Juegos de PC

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Buenas, tras hablar un poco, voy a crear este hilo para ir posteando aquí las ofertas más interesantes de juegos de PC. Se posteará sobretodo en formato digital, aunque alguna en formato físico se pondrá también.

Este hilo será un espejo reducido de lo que diariamente voy posteando en mi blog.

Sólo se postearán ofertas de tiendas autorizadas para la venta de las keys (autorizadas por distribuidoras y editoras) u ofertas de juegos en formato físico. No se van a poner ofertas de tiendas  que venden claves de dudosa procedencia, no autorizadas o de reventa. Esas tiendas son "manteros" digitales a los que no vamos a dar cancha.

De momento iré posteando las ofertas una tras otra a medida que vayan saliendo y pueda ir poniéndolas.

Si tenéis dudas sobre las ofertas o algún comentario, se podrá comentar en el hilo (con mesura). O si es un caso especial o algo más personal, podéis mandarme un MP y os responderé. Si esa duda veo que es útil indicarla en la entrada, editaré la entrada o la añadiré en futuras entradas.

Un saludo y espero que os guste el hilo y tengo una larga vida.


The 1C Company Mega Bundle de @IndieGala - Ya Activo


The 1C Company Mega Bundle

Paga $1:

[*]Star Wolves (Steam)
[*]Sister’s Secrecy: Arcanum Bloodlines - Premium Edition (Steam)
[*]The Tomorrow War (Steam)

Paga $2.99:

[*]NecroVision (Steam)
[*]Star Wolves 2 (Steam)
[*]UFO: Aftermath (Steam)
[*]Death to Spies (Steam)
[*]The Book of Desires (Steam)
[*]Faces of War (Steam)
[*]Stalingrad (Steam)
[*]A.I.M.2 Clan Wars (Steam)
[*]World War I (Steam)

Paga $4.49:

[*]Soldiers: Heroes of World War II (Steam)
[*]Planet Alcatraz (Steam)
[*]RC Cars (Steam)
[*]Death to Spies: Moment of Truth (Steam)
[*]NecroVisioN: Lost Company (Steam)
[*]UFO: Aftershock (Steam)
[*]Star Wolves 3: Civil War (Steam)
[*]Theatre of War (Steam)

61 juegos para #Steam en @BundleStars (25-89%) (Deep Silver y más)

[*]89% - Pro Simulator Pack - €8.25  (Steam)
[*]85% - Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition (EU) - 2,99€  (Steam)
[*]80% - Sacred Franchise Pack (EU) - 7,39€  (Steam)
[*]80% - Homefront: The Revolution - Freedom Fighter Bundle - 7,99€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Trainz: A New Era (EU) - 9,24€  (Steam)
[*]75% - The Interactive Adventures of Dog Mendonça & Pizzaboy® - 3,74€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Secret Files: Tunguska - 2,49€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Secret Files: Sam Peters - 2,49€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Secret Files 3 - 4,99€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis - 2,49€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package - 3,74€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Saints Row: The Third - 2,49€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Saints Row: Gat out of Hell (EU) - 3,74€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Saints Row Ultimate Franchise Pack (EU) - 12,49€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Saints Row IV: Game of the Century Edition - 4,99€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Saints Row IV - 3,74€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Saints Row 2 - 2,49€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Sacred 3 - 4,99€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Sacred 2 Gold - 3,74€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Ryse: Son of Rome - 4,99€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Rush for Berlin Gold - 1,24€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Risen 3 - Titan Lords - 3,74€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Risen 3 - Complete Edition (EUROPE) - 4,99€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Risen 2: Dark Waters - 2,49€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Risen - 2,49€  (Steam)
[*]75% - nail'd - 1,24€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Metro: Last Light Redux - 4,99€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Metro Redux Bundle - 7,49€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Metro 2033 Redux - 4,99€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Lost Horizon 2 - 3,74€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Lost Horizon - 2,49€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Jane's Advanced Strike Fighters - 2,49€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Iron Front: Digital War Edition - 3,74€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Homefront: The Revolution - 7,49€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Deadlight: Director's Cut - 2,99€  (Steam)
[*]75% - Animation Arts Bundle (EU) - 9,99€  (Steam)
[*]66% - Obscuritas - 5,09€  (Steam)
[*]66% - Mighty No. 9 - 6,79€  (Steam)
[*]60% - F1 2016 - 19,99€  (Steam)
[*]60% - DiRT Rally - 19,99€  (Steam)
[*]50% - Saint's Row: Gat Out of Hell - Devil's Workshop Pack DLC - 0,99€  (Steam)
[*]50% - Saints Row IV: Volition Comics Pack DLC - 1,49€  (Steam)
[*]50% - Saints Row IV: Presidential Pack DLC - 1,49€  (Steam)
[*]50% - Saints Row IV: Grass Roots Pack DLC - 1,49€  (Steam)
[*]50% - Saints Row IV: Dubstep Gun (Remix) Pack DLC - 1,49€  (Steam)
[*]50% - Saints Row IV - Wild West Pack DLC - 1,49€  (Steam)
[*]50% - Saints Row IV - The Super Saints Pack DLC - 1,49€  (Steam)
[*]50% - Saints Row IV - Stone Age Pack DLC - 1,49€  (Steam)
[*]50% - Saints Row IV - Pirate's Booty Pack DLC - 1,49€  (Steam)
[*]50% - Saints Row IV - How the Saints Save Christmas DLC - 1,99€  (Steam)
[*]50% - Saints Row IV - GAT V Pack DLC - 2,49€  (Steam)
[*]50% - Saints Row IV - Game On Pack DLC - 1,49€  (Steam)
[*]50% - Saints Row IV - Element of Destruction Pack DLC - 1,49€  (Steam)
[*]50% - Saints Row IV - Bling Bling Pack DLC - 1,49€  (Steam)
[*]50% - Saints Row IV - Anime Pack DLC - 1,49€  (Steam)
[*]50% - Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition - 9,99€  (Steam)
[*]50% - Dead Island Retro Revenge - 2,49€  (Steam)
[*]50% - Dead Island Definitive Edition - 9,99€  (Steam)
[*]25% - Two Worlds II HD - Call of the Tenebrae - 11,24€  (Steam)
[*]25% - Two Worlds II - Call of the Tenebrae DLC - 7,49€  (Steam)
[*]25% - Project Highrise: Las Vegas DLC - 5,24€  (Steam)

Bethesda Promo y Killing Floor 2 en @Gamersgate (50-70%) (Casi todo #Steam)

Gamersgate tiene su tienda en 2 divisas distintas en Europa, accesible desde 2 URLs distintas. Con la misma cuenta puedes comprar en las dos. Compara precios y compra donde te salga mejor.

[*]70% - QUAKE Collection {UK} - 5,16£ (o 5,84 €)  (Steam)
[*]70% - QUAKE Collection - 7,59€  (Steam)
[*]70% - Dishonored {UK} - 2,43£ (o 2,75 €)  (Steam)
[*]70% - Dishonored - 3,03€  (Steam)
[*]60% - Killing Floor 2 Digital Deluxe Edition {UK} - 10,9£ (o 12,33 €)  (Steam)
[*]60% - Killing Floor 2 Digital Deluxe Edition - 14,94€  (Steam)
[*]60% - Killing Floor 2 {UK} - 8,08£ (o 9,14 €)  (Steam)
[*]60% - Killing Floor 2 - 10,9€  (Steam)
[*]59% - Wolfenstein: The Old Blood {UK} - 6,15£ (o 6,96 €)  (Steam)
[*]59% - Wolfenstein: The Old Blood - 8,2€  (Steam)
[*]59% - Wolfenstein The New Order {UK} - 6,15£ (o 6,96 €)  (Steam)
[*]59% - Wolfenstein The New Order - 8,2€  (Steam)
[*]59% - The Evil Within {UK} - 6,15£ (o 6,96 €)  (Steam)
[*]59% - The Evil Within - 8,2€  (Steam)
[*]59% - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition {UK} - 8,2£ (o 9,27 €)  (Steam)
[*]59% - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition - 12,3€  (Steam)
[*]59% - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim {UK} - 4,1£ (o 4,64 €)  (Steam)
[*]59% - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - 6,15€  (Steam)
[*]59% - The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited {UK} - 8,2£ (o 9,27 €)
[*]59% - The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - 12,3€
[*]59% - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Game of the Year Edition {UK} - 5,33£ (o 6,03 €)  (Steam)
[*]59% - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Game of the Year Edition - 6,15€  (Steam)
[*]59% - The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Game of the Year Edition {UK} - 5,33£ (o 6,03 €)  (Steam)
[*]59% - The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Game of the Year Edition - 6,15€  (Steam)
[*]57% - The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Edition {UK} - 16,8£ (o 19 €)
[*]57% - The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Edition - 21€
[*]56% - The Metronomicon {UK} - 6,48£ (o 7,33 €)  (Steam)
[*]56% - The Metronomicon - 8,64€  (Steam)
[*]50% - The Evil Within Season Pass {UK} - 4,03£ (o 4,56 €)  (Steam)
[*]50% - The Evil Within Season Pass - 5,03€  (Steam)
[*]50% - Fallout 4 {UK} - 9,99£ (o 11,3 €)  (Steam)
[*]50% - Fallout 4 - 14,99€  (Steam)

En GOG llevan varios días de ofertas veraniegas:

Tienen casi todos los indies antiguos a -75% ó -85%: Spelunky, Rogue Legacy, Braid, Super Time Force Ultra, Broforce, Crypt of the Necrodancer, FTL, Bastion, Gonner, The Witcher 2...

Los indies más modernos a -50%: Undertale, Darkest Dungeon, Enter the Gungeon, The Witcher 3...

También casi todos los juegos clásicos a -66%/-75%: Heroes of Might and Magic II, III, IV, One Unit Whole Blood, Unreal Tournament, los Ultima, las aventuras de Lucasarts, los Wizardry...

Tienen gratis:
Shadow Warrior - sólo con hacerte cuenta
Eschalon I - sólo con hacerte cuenta (y el II y el III están a -75%)
Beneath a Steel Sky - sólo con hacerte cuenta
Rebel Galaxy - por comprar 10$
Alan Wake's American Nightmare - por comprar 10$


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